Mini Club Med Bali Review

What's our new Mini Club Plus like from the eyes of a guest? Read on to find out...
Elliott McNeill aged 8, recently visited Club Med Bali with her grandmother. Here's her review of the resort and Mini Club +. Check out her grandmother, Julie Miller's, review of the resort in SMH Traveller here !
I went to Bali with my grandmother (Ju-Ju) and stayed at Club Med Bali . It was awesome! The resort is really big and there is so much to explore.
I love swimming and the Club Med pools are so cool. If the adults want some time to themselves, there’s an adult pool where they can go and chill. While the parents are laying by the pool, they can drop the kids at Mini Club + to have fun for the day.

Trapeze and Acrobatic Activities
I went to
Mini Club +
every day and I loved it! My favourite activities were the trapeze and the bungy jumping on the trampoline. I did a back flip, a double back flip and almost a triple back flip. I also did a front flip for the first time.
On the first day, I was a little scared of the trapeze and freaked out going up the ladder because it was wobbly. The circus team said never mind and invited me to come back and try the next day. My Ju-Ju also said if I did it, then she’d come along and try it too.
The next day I watched other people try it first and realised the ladder was secured into the ground, which made me feel safe. I climbed the ladder, then stepped onto the board which was the hardest bit. I was a bit nervous but also excited.
The next step, they clipped me in and told me to reach forward and grab the trapeze. Then the instructor kicked my legs from underneath me and I was flying! I loved it so much, I wanted to try it again. The second time, I tried to get my legs up on the bar, but it was really hard. My Ju-Ju couldn’t do it either when she tried.

Mini Club +
At Mini Club + I also tried archery, aqua aerobics and walking on a tightrope. Aqua aerobics was such a fun day in the pool. I also tried to run along an inflatable bridge, but I had to crawl. I loved it when they brought out the pool floaties!
One afternoon, we had an inflatable party with jumping castles and a slip and slide which was awesome. I got soap in my eyes (so I wore my goggles next time). Another day we had a splash party in the Kids Club pool. I joined in a treasure hunt, and I also rehearsed for a Kids Club show, but unfortunately I didn’t end up going to the show because I was getting my hair braided in the spa. It took hours because I have so much hair!

Bastille Day Celebrations
The G.Os who lead the kids were really kind and fun. I loved Emma and Eggi, they were always encouraging and made me laugh. On 14 July it was Bastille Day and we dressed up in red, white, and blue and had the French flag painted on our cheeks. We paraded the resort led by a big band playing tubas, drums, and trumpets. It was really noisy!
That night there was a big dinner on the beach and a show with circus performers and fireworks, which was so cool!

Food at Club Med
The food at Club Med was yummy, with lots of choice. In the buffet I got to choose whatever I wanted to eat, and it was open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My Ju-Ju and I also went to the fancy restaurant one night and I had spaghetti bolognaise while Ju-Ju had a three course meal. My favourite dinner was under the stars. We stayed up late playing in the sand and in the tents, they’d set up.
Each day we also visited the food cart and ordered satay sticks, fruit and Nasi Goreng (fried rice). I loved the bar because it had its own kids’ counter which was closest to the beach - I just climbed up and could order off my own menu.

Last Night
On our last night, the staff did some Balinese dancing. During my stay, I learned that Bali is part of Indonesia and there are lots of temples. There are five temples in the Club Med grounds and they leave offerings of fruit and snacks.
I was really sad to go. The Mini Club + gave me a certificate when we were leaving. I would love to go back, maybe next time with the whole family. I’d do everything again and try and get my legs up on the trapeze. I’ll be practising on the monkey bars at school until then.